Thursday, January 7, 2010


Sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything.  I got so busy at work with Rudolph Round-up and other activities that I was too tired to do any type of crafts.  I even bought a few cards because I didn't have the energy to make them!!!!

In case you are wondering about Rudolph Round-up, it is an event that starts in November and ends in December.  I work for a non-for-profit company called Kids Hope United.  We do protective services (dealing with abused, neglected children).  Our lead agency and other companies throughout receive donations.  The children we have in foster care or relative/non-relative care write down three wishes and we try to fulfill at least one wish off the list.  This ensures that each child gets at least one thing they asked for!  Makes for a very busy month once the gifts start arriving at our office!!  But it is a wonderful feeling.

As for my New Year's Resolutions, I am going to be posting random pictures here.  I plan to take a picture everyday this year.  I call it Project 365.  Please let me know what you think!

The following pictures are from work.  Each unit served snacks one day.  My unit chose the theme "Sweet Treats."  We had veggie pizza, fruit, brownies, cupcakes, and mixed veggies.

I made the cupcake decorations for our Unit.

I made the Gingerbread House and Man to decorate the door to my office.

I even had Santa on my door!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jerri!

    My name is Kate Currin and I work in the Communications office of Kids Hope United in Chicago. I'd like to talk to you about the Rudolph Round-up and possibly do a Portal story about it. I haven't heard of it before! Can you look up my contact info in Groupwise in give me a call or drop me an e-mail when you have a chance?

    Love the Blog! I'll be looking forward to seeing your daily photos!


